Registration Information

❖ Personal Details

Name in English

❖ Contact Details

❖ Food details

❖ Registration Type

TypeFee Onsite rate (THB)
Main Congress
reference presenter name:
Total     0.00    THB   

❖ Receipt Details

** Issuing a new receipt (name or address change) is subjected to a fee of 300 Baht for Thai participants or 10 USD for international participants.
Benefit for registration
  1. All registered delegates and full-time students will receive conference materials, access to all scientific sessions, conference banquet, 2 lunch and 4 coffee breaks.
  2. Accompanying persons must be spouse of presenter or students of presenter or students who are co-authors of the work presenting at PACCON 2024. The fee for an accompanying person includes conference banquet, 2 lunch and 4 coffee breaks.
  3. The fee for a 1-day participant includes 1 lunch and 2 coffee breaks.
  4. For on-site registration, participants must pay registration fee in cash (Thai Baht) only, and may or may not receive the conference materials.

  • Payments can be made either by bank transfer or by credit card.
  • All the transaction charges associated with payment (by bank transfer or by credit card) are responsibility of the participant.
  • Any fees deducted on our end must be paid in cash upon registration.
  • All on-site payments to the conference must be made in cash (Thai Baht only).

Payment Method
          ➤ Online Payment with Credit Card

Cancellation Policy
  • In any circumstances, if you can no longer attend PACCON Conference, you may cancel your registration by providing written notice to PACCON Conference Organizer (mail to:
  • The PACCON Conference 2024 refund policy is as follows
    • All cancellations received prior to December 14, 2023: 50% refund of registration fee minus administration charge.
    • All cancellations received after December 14, 2023: no refunds.
  • Please informed that cancelling your registration does not automatically cancel your hotel and travel arrangements. Individuals are responsible for cancelling their own hotel and travel reservations.
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